How to use a video or slide-show
instead of a theme image with jAlbum
With the latest version 5.7.1 of my PhotoSwipe skin,
the latest version 4.5.0 of my FancyBox skin and with the latest
version 1.5.0 of my LightGallery skin it is possible to replace the
theme image by a video or slide-show if you make a jAlbum web-album.
In both cases, you have first to remove the theme
Open the Explorer, click with the right mouse
button in the Theme image in the lower right corner and select
Open the skin Index page / Theme image tab and
clear field 'Theme image'.
Finally clear check-box 'If this field is blank or
Next open the Index page / Footer tab and check the new
check-mark 'After the theme image'.
The other requred actions depends on the type of Theme image
a video instead of a theme image
Enter the next code in the html code text-box Index page / Footer
<div class="iframe-container iframe-container-Video">
<iframe class="frame" src="" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>
Next enter this CSS code in the CSS code text-box on the Custom
code tab:
.iframe-container { position: relative; height: 0; }
.iframe-container-Video { padding-bottom:40% }
.iframe-container iframe { border: none; position: absolute;
top:0; left: 0; width: 100%; height: 100%; }
Play with the padding-bottom % to get the desired display.
The youtube src string depends on the video you like to show.
To get this string, click on the 'Share' button below your
selected video and next on the 'Embed video' button.
Finally make and upload the album,
For an example of an album with a video instead of a theme image,
open my Drenthe album.
a slide-show instead of a theme image
First you should make the slide-show you like to use as a
replacement of the theme image. You can use all my 3 skins to do
that, but I recommend to use my LightGallery skin, because that skins
has a large selection of slide-show transitions.
Select for the slide-show images with a large width / height ratio
and use a large width x height images bounds:
If you like, you can make the ratio the same for all images with a
fixed shape filter:
class=FixedShapeFilter all prescale
Enter this string in the Advanced / User Variables tab:
Control the cropping, click with the right mouse button in the
image and select 'Set crop focus...' and select option 'thumbnails
bounds' (for for me unknown reasons, there is no 'image bounds'

On the skin 'General settings tab select check-marks 'Skip
thumbnails pages' and 'Disable Viewer settngs' and select a 100%
transparent color for the 'Page background color'.
On the skin Slide page / Layout page', clear the next check-marks:
'Prevent that the description overlaps the image' and clear all
check-marks in the 'Show as description in the caption bar or side
On the skin Slide page / Options, select the slide show parameters
and set / clear the next check-marks:
Next make the slide-show as you see in this example.
Now open the project file of the album where you like to use the
slide-show instead of the theme image.
Enter the next code in the html code text-box Index page / Footer
<div class="iframe-container iframe-container-slideShow">
<iframe scrolling="no" src=""></iframe>
Enter here the URL of the slide-show you made above,
Next enter this CSS code in the CSS code text-box on the Custom
code tab:
.iframe-container { position: relative; height: 0; }
.iframe-container-slideShow { padding-bottom:25% }
.iframe-container iframe { border: none; position: absolute;
top:0; left: 0; width: 100%; height: 100%; }
Play with the padding-bottom % to get the desired display.
Finally make and upload the album and you see something like my Algarve album.